Ideas to simplify your day-to-day life
Lost your remote in the depth of your couch, or have you once again misplaced your keys?
Ever found yourself returning from your weekly grocery shopping only to see that you forgot to buy garlic or that one extra onion needed for dinner?
Are you that kind of person that always forget to buy toilet paper at the grocery store?
You want your coffee to be ready in morning without going through the extra steps of loading it and then wasting valuable time waiting for it to be done?
Do you want to feed your pet with the right amount of food also when you’re not around?
Tell us: how many times you burned your homemade pizza?
Get your steak perfect every time?
Ever wanted a home that adjusts itself according to your mood?
You love your cats, but they start to get energized right before you want to sleep?
Feel like an inspired chef today?
Has your cat been chipped, and you’ve been thinking about buying an automated cat door?
Tired of changing the volume all the time because the outside world becomes too loud?
Need to take a daily pill? Do you have difficulties keeping tracks of your daily supplements?
Your normal alarm is too harsh?
Do you know that working standing up improves the quality of what you do?
All your smart devices are set to a specific time to which you normally get up. But what happens if you go to bed late and need that extra hour?
Gettin nervous when it comes to parking?