Celebrate Arduino’s birthday! Get 30% OFF the Maker Yearly Plan with code ARDUINO20. Valid until March 31st
Choose a device you want to connect, and Arduino Cloud will take care of all the code necessary for setting things up.
If you want to customize your project, you can use Cloud Editor to modify the code and make it your own.
Need to make updates? Upload new code over the air from anywhere in the world!
Gather real time and historical data from your devices in one place, whether you are working with a simple project, or hundreds of variables.
All your data is stored in the cloud, updated automatically, and can be exported to a local device any time.
Choose from dozens of configurable widgets for control and data visualisation to set up beautiful dashboards.

Arduino Cloud provides seamless integration with Amazon’s Alexa, allowing you to control your projects with voice.
Setting up voice control takes only a few minutes, and requires no code.
Explore the library of ready to use, fully customizable IoT projects.